What was “Fran’s room” then the “Spare room” is now becoming “The nursery”. How grown up. Anyway – it needed decorating (mainly to replace the carpet) before putting baby items in it. That has been most of the work this week. You would think it was an easy job: slap some paint on the ceiling and walls, paint the woodwork and have the carpet fitted. As with most things, not so easy.

As we started the job on Monday, the winds from Hurricane Katrina were being felt in our garden and took out 2 fence panels and a post. Not a good start and another problem to be solved this week. Luckily Gary knew a man who could come and dig out the old concrete and replace the post and panels. A phone call, and a trip to Travis Perkins, and we were ready to have it repaired on Saturday morning. Here are Mark and his son Ash working on fitting the new panels.

Fitting new fence panels. I think you can tell which the new ones are.

So now back to the nursery. I started with the ceiling, but as I rolled the paint on, it just came off in sheets, back to the artex. Not good.
Perhaps its the old paint I am using. So get some new white paint and put it on with a brush. Job done, it looks good and I go and have lunch.
An hour later I come back to the room and all the new paint it cracked and flaking off. I don’t have any pictures of this and it is something I would rather forget. So we strip off all the new paint, back to the artex, and then treat with UPVA adhesive to try and seal the artex. The next day, a new pot of white paint, and it seems to be holding this time. Good. But one area starts cracking again! That’s OK, I can just remove the few inches cracking and just do that bit again. So after its dry I carefully pick away at the white paint, only for it not to be a few inches that come away, it just keeps falling off. Poo.
Eventually I get a stanley knife around the affected area to prevent any more coming away as I pull on it. Another dose of UPVA and more white paint and I think its done. Looks OK and I daren’t try and put anymore paint on it to make it look perfect. I’m sure Bruce won’t notice anyway.
Walls done and carpet down, it looks like a nice little nursery.

The bedroom, with a spare bed (so people can still stay)