Documenting the life-changing event of having a baby…

Monthly Archives: January 2012

We took a video of Milo on his mat this morning

[youtube_sc url=”o7_rVll0Lbs”]


It seems like ages ago that Milo entered our lives, but it is only a month. Here are a few photos from the first month.


Milo has had some professional pictures taken thanks to Debbie Wallwork. They can be seen here:

So Wim’s started back at work today and is easing us all into the new routine by working one day and taking the next off. So far so good as the little man is asleep and I’ve managed to get all today’s chores done already but I expect that’s probably a one off and chaos will ensue soon enough.

And chaos is how the first few weeks have been. Talk about fish out of water but we’ve weathered the storm and things seem to have settled down into some kind of routine already. Milo has been out shopping, been to the pub for lunch, visited and been visited by lots of friends & relatives and starred in his first photo shoot! Such a busy little man.

Today we’re off to visit Grandad Jeff and Maddison, well, just as soon as one of us wakes up!


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